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Do you feel as if the Lord has abandoned you?

If you do, then that means  you really believe that God is there!!

To be abandoned you need someone to be abandoned by.

David felt this way at the beginning of Psalm 13.  He began by asking, “How long o Lord? Will you forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me?”

David was taking counsel in his own soul, which will always get us in trouble, in fact it really means, you’ve put separation in between you and God.

In verse 3 he gets desperate in his prayer and begins to align his desires back with Gods by asking God to enlighten his eyes.

God can’t enlighten our eyes until we realize and admit we don’t know everything, taking counsel in our own soul won’t work and that we need His counsel.

Immediately David begins to realize that he has trusted in God and that if he has nothing else to be thankful for, he can rejoice and sing to the Lord for the Lords salvation.

It doesn’t matter what feelings we have, God will be faithful to us, even when we aren’t faithful to Him, He can’t deny Himself according to 2 Timothy 2:13.

If you are feeling despaired and abandoned today, cry out to God and ask Him to enlighten your eyes.  He will bring you out from that place, to a place of trust, confidence and Joy.

Joy actually stands for “Jesus Over Yourself” so when we quit taking counsel in our own soul, we will have Joy, cause we put Jesus back over ourselves.